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Applying to APS

Abbey Park School is part of The Park Academies Trust.  The Trust is the Admission Authority for the school. 

Applications for Year 7 must be made through the Local Authority’s Coordinated Scheme and all instructions and deadlines in the scheme should be adhered to by applicants. You can apply for a place via the following link: Click Here

To apply for an in year place at our school (that is, applications to all year groups made during the school year) please apply via the following link: Click Here



Any child who is refused a place at the Academy has the right to appeal against this decision to an independent panel.  If you wish to appeal against a decision please see the link below which also includes the timetable for appeals to be lodged: Click Here

If you have a query relating to Admissions, please email:


Admission Arrangements Consultation

The Park Academies Trust is the admitting authority for Abbey Park School.  The Trust is consulting on its arrangements for the academic year 2026-27.  Information on the proposed changes and details of how you can take part can be found within the Consultation Notice along with the proposed arrangements in the ‘Related Documents’ section below.


All admission arrangements for the current academic year and upcoming years can be found in 'related documents' below.


Admissions Form (218KB)

Form for student's basic details, including additional education needs, medical details and dietary needs.

Admissions Policy: Admission arrangements for September 2024/25 (507KB)

The Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for the school's admission policy and Swindon Local Authority has been commissioned to administer all admissions to the School.

Admissions Policy: Admission arrangements for September 2025/26. (440KB)

The Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for the school's admission policy and Swindon Local Authority has been commissioned to administer all admissions to the School.

Proposed Admission Arrangements 2026-27 (379KB)

The Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for the school's admission policy and Swindon Local Authority has been commissioned to administer all admissions to the School.