Extra-Curricular Sport
As a P.E. department, we take great pride in our extra-curricular offer. We understand its importance in building character, harbouring self-pride and developing resilience, while giving students the opportunity to enjoy competitive sport.
All year groups have the opportunity to represent Abbey Park in a variety of sports, as we enter teams for all of the major leagues and cups in Swindon and Wiltshire.
While there are a number of standalone tournaments that take place in a variety of sports throughout the year, girls and boys follow a traditional sporting calendar in many of the more traditional sports.
Girls take part in netball, football, basketball and rounders leagues, while boys’ teams are involved in rugby, basketball, football and cricket leagues. Girls and boys also take part in a number of athletics meets.
Training for each of the sports takes place throughout the year and all students are welcome, irrespective of ability or experience. Training sessions are not limited to students who are in one of the sporting teams. We encourage all who enjoy sport to attend and they are warmly welcomed by staff and students.
Sports Academy and Leadership Academy
Sports Academy
The Sports Academy was introduced at Abbey Park to assist the academic and sporting development of our students who compete at a very high level of sport.
We understand the challenges that come with juggling a full training schedule alongside schoolwork. Students who are part of the Sports Academy have a mentor at school who acts as a point of contact between them and their teachers. If they have a major competition on the horizon, their mentor informs their teachers and makes them aware of the time pressures this may put on the student.
Students in the Sports Academy also take part in termly masterclasses, where they gain valuable insight and information about the life of an elite sports person. These sessions vary, from having a session on the diet and nutrition needed to perform at your maximal, to guest speakers coming in to talk to students about their experience as an elite athlete.
Leadership Academy
The Leadership Academy is our latest initiative within P.E. at Abbey Park. For a number of years our students have helped in the running of a variety of primary school sporting events. We decided to identify a group of students who were dedicated to sport, while also being extremely dependable, to form our first Leadership Academy. These students were the individuals who were regularly called upon to assist in these primary school sporting activities. By being part of the Leadership Academy, students have the opportunity to gain a number of sporting qualifications, which could help them progress in later life.