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School Events Calendar 2024 - 25

This page lists all the important events taking place this academic year:

New dates will added throughout the school year.

Term 1

Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September

INSET DAYS  (Closed to pupils)

Wednesday 4th September

Start of Term 1

Wednesday 4th September

Year 7 starts at 8.40, Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 starts at 10.00 straight to tutor

Monday 9th September

Whole School Individual Photos

Tuesday 10th September 

Schools closes early at 2.05pm for Open Evening Preparation

Tuesday 10th September 

Open Evening 5.00pm-7.30pm

Wednesday 11th September

Open Evening 5.00pm-7.30pm    

Tuesday 17th September

Year 11 - Key to Success 5.30pm - 7.00pm (Main Hall)

Wednesday 18th September

Blood Brothers, Kings Theatre Portsmouth Trip

Wednesday 25th September

Open morning 9.15am-11.15am

Thursday 26th September

Open morning 9.15am-11.15am

Thursday 3rd October 

The Egg Theatre, The Little Prince Trip

Tuesday 8th October

An Inspector Calls Trip, Year 10

Wednesday 9th October

The National Museum of Comp Trip, Bletchley Park

Tuesday 15th October

Flu Imms - Years 7, 9 and 10

Wednesday 16th October

Autumn Concert

Tuesday 22nd October

Flu Imms - Years 8 and 11

Friday 25th October

End of Term 1


Term 2

Monday 4th November

Start of Term 2

Tuesday 5th November

Year 11 TPAT 6th Form Experience Day

Wednesday 6th November 

Blood Brothers Trip, Kings Theatre, Portsmouth

Thursday 14th November to Tuesday 26th November

Year 11 Mock Exams

Wednesday 4th December 

TPAT Christmas Concert Trip, Marlborough College - Year 8

Wednesday 11th December

Globe Theatre Trip - Year 9

Friday 13th December

APS School Disco - Year 7

Tuesday 17th December

Year 11 Subject Consultation Evening (4.00pm - 7.30pm)

Wednesday 18th December

The Egg Theatre Trip - Robin Hood

Thursday 19th December

Christmas Carol Concert Year 7 - 11

Friday 20th December

End of Term 2 - School finishes at 12.30pm


Term 3

Monday 6th January

Start of Term 3

Wednesday 15th January

Year 7 Malborough College Trip

Thursday 16th January

Year 8 HPV Immunisations

Tuesday 21st January

Year 9 Options and Subject Consultation Evening (4.00pm - 7.30)

Friday 24th January

Year 11 Bristol Harbourside Trip

Tuesday 28th January

Year 10 Computer Science Trip - Marlborough College

Wednesday 29th January

Year 7 Subject Consultation Evening

Saturday 1st February to Tuesday 4th February

Year 9 Disneyland Trip

Wednesday 5th February to Friday 7th February

School Production - Oliver

Thursday 13th February

Year 8 Subject Consultation Evening (4:00 to 7:30pm)

Friday 14th February

End of Term 3

Saturday 22nd February to Saturday 1st March

Andorra Ski Trip Residential 


Term 4

Monday 24th February

Start of Term 4

Thursday 13th March

St Ives Residential Trip

Thursday 20th March

Year 7 Joseph Trip - Bristol Hippodrome

Monday 24th March

Year 11 Group Photo

Friday 4th April

End of Term 4