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Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)

At Abbey Park School we have high aspirations and expectations for all pupils including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and we believe that SEND support is a whole school responsibility.

We focus on outcomes for children with SEND and are supported by clear communication between parents, students, teachers, other school staff, and external practitioners. Every pupil with SEND has their own unique educational needs, and at Abbey Park we are committed to providing a tailored curriculum where adaptations and support are put into place without limiting the breadth of students’ curricular experience.

As such, Abbey Park is ambitious for all pupils with SEND, and we believe that appropriate assessment of need and then comprehensive planning with parents and carers leads to effective support and interventions. Regular review and re-assessment means that we are able to ensure there is a focus on preparedness for the next stage of the students’ lives and this drives high aspirations for the future, which in turn ensures that students with SEND achieve exceptionally well when they leave the Trust in year 13 or the school in year 11.

For further information we invite you to contact us and/or arrange a visit to discuss individual student needs. Please also see the links below for further information.

SEND Information Report

SEND Policy

Equality Policy

Accessibility Plan

SEND Vision and Intent

Further SEND Information

To find out about Swindon Borough Council’s local offer for SEND please go to, their care and support information and advice website.

The national website ‘SEND Gateway’ managed by the National Association of Special Educational Needs, will give you links to associations and charities.

If you need help getting the support your child needs in Swindon, SIAS (Swindon SEND Information, advice and support service) can be contacted - Email:

SAM (Swindon Advocacy Movement) is a free statutory service for young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities and their families (Tel: 01793 542575 |

Mr D. Williams - Assistant Principal and Strategic SENDCo

Mrs L. Edmonds - SENDCo

Ms J. Bisson - Additional Needs Administrator

Your child's Head of Year

SEND Governor - Kirsty Allen

Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Policy (322KB)

This policy acknowledges the obligation to provide a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum for all students. The Park Academies Trust is fully committed to inclusion regardless of ability, gender, race, creed or exceptional needs.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report (SEND) (268KB)

This annual report should be read in conjunction with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy