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***Duke of Edinburgh Expedition***

I would like to say a massive well done to all the year 9 students who completed their Bronze DofE Expedition section this past weekend. They were put to the test on both the practice and assessment expeditions with the temperamental environmental conditions, but despite this they all persevered and learnt a lot about self preservation in the challenging conditions. Mr Quant the assessor and I, both agreed that overall, this group collectively showed some of the best navigation, stamina and campcraft skills that we have ever seen. Back at camp there was a multitude of different menu options being cooked as well as impromptu gymnastics displays when building human pyramids. One group even discovered that cows are not too fond of mobile phones when it was left behind after lunch and a cow decided to try and eat it but spat it out.

Also, a huge thank you to Mr Quant, Mrs Lloyd and Miss Caldwell who provided guidance and assistance to the group.

Mr Bates

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