17.10.22 ***APS Summer Reading Challenge*** The Results!??? All this week, Mr Snook is delivering an assembly on the importance of reading to all year groups and also revealing results of our fantastic Summer Reading Challenge which saw over 156 book reviews logged over the long, hot summer! All pupils who took part are in the image below and will receive R2s for participation. Pupils who went even further and logged up to 10 books will be receiving R4s. All book reviews will be up on display in the library, and every week we will be posting a pupil book recommendation on our social media channels, so keep your eyes open - it may inspire your child's next read! Once again, a massive well done to all who took part. Latest Articles: Young Photographer Competition Rotary Club Young Photographer Competition Millie K has been awarded second place in the Intermediate... Find Out More Christmas Toy Appeal Swindon Christmas Toy Appeal and Y8 visit to Toy Appeal HQ Churches in Swindon once again ran... Find Out More