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Abbey Park Awarded Eco Schools Flag for the second year

The Eco Committee is very pleased to tell you that Abbey Park School have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award for 2022-2023.

The Eco Schools reviewer commented that our application showed that young people in our school are aware of environmental issues and are committed to being active and creating positive change. The Eco Committee and Student Council thoughtfully reviewed and discussed three areas to create a detailed Action Plan for the use of Outdoor Space, Energy and Water Conservation. This included linking different Curriculum areas with one another. It was noted that the Eco Committee producing a wide variety of activities: from the Tutor Plant Competition to the creation of Bugingham Palace.

Congratulations in particular to Gaby P, Toby R, Candence C, Madelyn C, Austin S (not pictured), Josh J and Spencer K for all your extra-curricular commitment.


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