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House PE Wellbeing Task

Yesterday, the pupils were set a variety of well-being tasks to complete throughout the day if they wished. One of these tasks was a House PE challenge and the pupils were asked 1) To complete as many steps as possible in a day OR 2) Create a picture montage challenge to spell the word Happiness.
I had lots of fantastic entries and it was really hard to choose, but I am pleased to announce the winners are:
1st- Katilin L 11MSH (£5 Amazon & R4)
2nd- Sean C 7MW (£5 Amazon & R4)
3rd- Georgia H & Amberlie K 7AS (£5 Amazon & R4)
Step Count Challenge:
1st- Ellie D 8KL (£5 amazon & R4)
2nd- Samuel R 7CJE (£5 Amazon & R4)
3rd- Jack B 8KST (£5 Amazon & R4)
Mrs Humphreys

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