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Thankyou from the Swindon Christmas Toy Appeal



We would like to thank you for your support of the 2021 Swindon Christmas Toy Appeal. 

It was amazing to see so many schools, churches, businesses, and individuals, from across Swindon and surrounding areas, get involved again to make the fifth consecutive Toy Appeal happen. Whether you donated toys, gave financially, or volunteered, we are so thankful for your contribution which made it all possible.

We received donations of 2,382 new toys (not including thousands of stocking fillers!), 679 books and 205 soft toys. In addition, through financial donations, we received a further £8,000 to put towards the purchase of toys and gift vouchers for any age categories with fewer donations. This enabled us to help a total of 923 children, 200 more than the previous year.  Thanks to your generosity, each child was given a complete gift sack, including 3 main presents, a book, soft toy (ages 0-5) and 2 stocking fillers. These were then delivered by volunteers to the 373 referred families, ready in time for Christmas.

After another difficult year, it was a privilege to be able to work together to bring a little hope and happiness to local families living in desperate need. We were truly overwhelmed by the response so thank you again.

We’ll be announcing our plans for the 2022 Toy Appeal later this year via our Facebook page, Swindontoyappeal, so please follow us if you’d like to get involved. We do hope that we can partner together again. In the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback from the referred families, we’d love to hear from you. You can email us at:

Take care, stay safe and wishing you all the best for 2022.

Dawn Prosser – Toy Appeal Coordinator

Emma Pickering – Toy Appeal Administrator


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