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Swindon Youth Festival of Literature

From 11th November - 15th November, the library has been a very exciting one. This was our SYFL, Swindon Youth Festival of Literature, week. We kicked it off with an author visit for our feeder primaries. Anna James of the 'Pages and Co' series was a hit with the students with a very interactive session. On Tuesday we took 38 students to the Wyvern to watch Julian Sedgwick and Chie Kutsawada. Julian read extracts from their books while Chie drew Manga live, to a captivated audience.

Wednesday Year 7 was given an exciting introduction to poetry from Ash Dickinson, who celebrated his 14th year of supporting the festival. Thursday was our biggest day with the author Sue Wallman who gave a talk to the whole of Year 9 on writing and the publishing industry, before conducting several workshops with some of the students, getting them thinking about writing and coming up with some stories of their own.

The week ended with our annual book quiz, held at Ridgeway school. Our team did a fantastic job and represented our school amazingly, they embodied our Abbey school Proud values.


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