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WW1 Remembrance Poem by Kayla C 


Originally written when in Year 8, we couldn't help but share this beautiful poem again

               I Remember The Day

I remember the day that I was called,

my duty was needed, I was no fool.

I remember the day, I said goodbye to my wife,

and I remember the train journey that took me to

a most terrible place, I shall never forget

full of rats and lice and horrible pests

with thick oozy mud which gave me trench foot

and disgusting food which was rationed and tasted of soot. 


I remember these days like no others,

and I was lucky to survive unlike my brothers.

I wished and I wished for the war to end,

for me to be called home where I’d be safe 

and I could see my friends. 

But that day seemed like an age,

and I fought in the war for years on end.

Until finally I heard a pleasing sound,

of a bugle horn that spread all around.

The guns were lowered and silence came,

now was the day the war would end!


I travelled back home via train,

now thankful for the peace that came.

Our country had won! Hooray, hurrah!

And now we were all finally free,

and thanks to poppies, united and never apart.  

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