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***Year 8 girls Benchball Tournament***

Year 8's represented APS brilliantly at the GWA Benchball Tournament on Wednesday 11th January . It was a great atmosphere and the girls seemed to really enjoy themselves and managed to secure 3rd place out of 5 schools!

The girls were discussing tactics during our walk over to GWA and were excited to represent APS as this was, for most of them, their first time playing a fixture against other schools.

Each game we improved on, and our tactical knowledge and game management developed with each game we played.

It was absolutely brilliant to see our commitment and hard work pay off when we got our first win against Nova. High fives all round and even some other schools pointed a few special talents we have!

Overall, I could not be prouder, and it was lovely to see how the girls worked together and never gave up against some difficult teams. The girls are raring to have a Benchball dodgeball tournament at APS to show them whose boss. "Miss, if we played them at Benchball Dodgeball we would thrash them all!" this space.

Mrs Caldwell

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